& Simulations
Our team is certified in a number of assessments and simulations that provide concrete data and actionable insights for individuals, teams and organizations to support their development needs,
initiate changes, and realize their potential.
Individual Development
Management Development
Leadership Development
Team Development
Organization Development

Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI)
LSI measures specific styles of thinking that are related to indicators of individual effectiveness and success. The LSI can be used to enhance self-understanding, increase productivity and effectiveness, strengthen leadership capabilities, sharpen interpersonal skills, and improve individual health and well-being. The LSI is available as a self-assessment or 360 degree feedback tool that captures the perceptions of others. This psychometric assessment is often used with executives and leaders.
LSI Conflict™
LSI Conflict measures specific styles of thinking and behavior that affect the outcomes of negotiations, disagreements, differences, and conflicts. This self-assessment can be used to gain a better understanding of conflict styles, improve the effectiveness of work teams, and enhance cooperation and integrative problem solving throughout the organization.
The AMA DISC Survey™
AMA DISC Survey has been used for more than 40 years as a feedback process for individuals to understand their personal styles, the strengths and weaknesses within each, and how they can contribute to (and potentially detract from) individual and group effectiveness.
Stress Processing Report™ (SPR)
SPR provides personalized, confidential insights into the ways individuals may be contributing to their own stress levels. By pinpointing ineffective thinking patterns, participants can identify the “early warning signs” of performance problems before they cause illness and erode motivation.
Career Anchors
Career Anchors is a self-assessment that helps manage and confront career choices in a manner consistent with what you truly value and how you really see yourself. It helps to identify the combination of perceived areas of competence, motives, and values that are important to you in a career.
Management Effectiveness Profile System™ (MEPS)
MEPS is a 360° assessment package that accurately evaluates a manager's perceptions of 14 fundamental on-the-job skills and behaviors. Input from significant colleagues and percentile rankings from a valid representation of the management population provide managers with a balanced perspective of their strengths and development opportunities.
ACUMEN® Leadership WorkStyles™ (LWS)
LWS is a 360° (multi-rater) assessment tool that measures the thinking and behavioral styles that impact a manager’s ability to lead. This tool provides leaders with highly personalized feedback on how their ways of acting and reacting to people and situations shape their effectiveness. LWS helps self-motivated leaders strengthen thinking and behavioural styles that promote their effectiveness and moderate styles that prevent them from realizing their potential.
Group Styles Inventory™ (GSI)
GSI assesses how team members interact with one another and approach problems when working together. It enables teams to analyze their styles and identify practical strategies for enhancing their overall effectiveness. It can be used to measure team performance, encourage innovation and sharing of ideas, develop consensus decision making and problem-solving skills, and improve the quality and acceptance of group and organizational decisions.
Team-Building Simulations
Survival simulations strengthen the skills and behaviours needed to effectively and efficiently solve problems and make decisions as a team. Simulation titles include Desert Survival™, Jungle Survival™, Sub-Arctic Survival™ and more.
Business simulations provide the "how-to" knowledge your teams need to tackle common, yet demanding, business problems and situations with expertise and confidence. They also strengthen the skills and behaviours needed to effectively and efficiently solve problems and make decisions as a team. Topics include meeting effectiveness, customer complaints, cultural change, turnarounds and more.
The Challenge Series is a collection of dynamic team exercises that focus on improving knowledge and skills in complex areas including organizational change, critical thinking, ethical decision making, negotiation, strategic planning, performance management, and project management.
Organizational Culture Inventory® (OCI®)
OCI® is the most widely used and thoroughly researched tool for measuring organizational culture in the world. It provides an assessment of the operating culture in terms of the behaviors that members believe are required to “fit in and meet expectations” within their organization. Reliable results can be used to identify behavioral norms, validate a need for cultural change, and identify areas where change needs to take place.
Organizational Effectiveness Inventory® (OEI)
OEI provides your organization with information about itself, its effectiveness, and its impact on members. Questions focus on the respondent’s job, department or workgroup, and immediate supervisor or manager, as well as broader, organization-wide issues that can be modified to enhance performance and long-term effectiveness.
Administered alone, the OEI can be used in place of traditional attitude surveys or to bring meaning to engagement survey results. Combined with OCI, reporting provides a description of the current operating culture, the impact of that culture on outcomes, and the internal factors that are likely reinforcing the current culture.
Customer ServiceStyles™ (CSS)
CSS is a unique tool that goes beyond traditional client satisfaction surveys. It links service provider behaviours to service quality outcomes such as customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and customer advocacy and helps your organization discover how to strengthen profitability and sustainability.
Life Styles Inventory™, Customer ServiceStyles™, Organizational Effectiveness Inventory®,Organizational Culture Inventory®, Desert Survival™, Jungle Survival™, Sub-Arctic Survival™, Group Styles Inventory™, ACUMEN® Leadership WorkStyles™, The AMA DISC Survey™, LSI Conflict™, and Life Styles Inventory™ are registered trademarks of Human Synergistics International, Plymouth, MI, U.S.A.